
Technology of Japanese start-up featured by doctors (Series #9)

The second part: Optimizing Specialist Medical Resources, Medii

Medical communication, AI (Machine Learning, Deep Learning), Clinical Doctor, Japan

Solving specific issues between doctors through E-consultation🄬

In the first part, I introduced Medii’s remote medical specialist consultation "E-Consultation🄬" and its second opinion service "E-opinion". In this part, I will delve into the specifics of “E-consultation🄬”, a remote medical specialist consultation service.

"E-Consultation🄬” is a platform that allows you to consult with Medii-approved medical specialists anonymously on a 1:1 basis. The consulting service is free of charge for individual doctors, and the doctors who respond will receive points that can be exchanged for Amazon gift certificates. 
Since talking in the chat box on this service, questions and answers are easy to understand. If a question is not resolved in one answer, additional questions can be asked. Besides, the calls can be made if necessary.

Under the hospital-based contract, hospitals in areas where there are no specialists, which is a medical disparity, can introduce the service by approaching the local government of that area to correct the uneven distribution of medical care in the region. This service has already been introduced in many medical institutions throughout Japan.

What kind of consulting is being done? Let me show you an actual example.

(Continue to the next)

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A Series of Articles

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Digital Health
U.S. eHealth Journal

Vol. 92 (Issued at 2023/07/25)

ジャーナル92号のトピックは、Sky Labs (韓国発スマートリング)、DUOS (高齢者のSDoHアンメットニーズ)、Uber Health (OTC医薬品の配送)、Hyro (ChatGPT基盤のコールセンターサービス) など

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