
Internet Explorer - End Of Life

"One CMP website" - 3 portals, including GMP Platform, LSMIP, and iVEXL, operated by CM Plus, have been providing the contents on Internet Explorer (IE) as the recommended browser.
This post is the announcement that we will no longer support Internet Explorer after April 1st.
We apologize for the inconvenience; we ask customers using IE to access One CMP websites using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, etc., after April 1st.

Please refer to the following for the latest Recommended IT Environment including internet browser.  * To be updated on April 1st.
GMP Platform https://www.gmp-platform.com/en/terms.html
LSMIP https://www.lsmip.com/en/terms.html
iVEXL https://ivexl.com/en/terms.html

- Microsoft  "The future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge"

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Digital Health
U.S. eHealth Journal

Vol. 92 (Issued at 2023/07/25)

ジャーナル92号のトピックは、Sky Labs (韓国発スマートリング)、DUOS (高齢者のSDoHアンメットニーズ)、Uber Health (OTC医薬品の配送)、Hyro (ChatGPT基盤のコールセンターサービス) など

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