

A Clinical Doctor's Explanation of Health Tech in Asia (Series#6)

The Second Part: AI-Enabled Portable Arm Rehabilitation Robot, “H-MAN”

In the previous part, we introduced the AI-enabled portable arm rehabilitation robot “H-MAN” developed by the Singapore start-up Articares. In this part, we will take a closer look at "H-MAN" based on several research reports.

Dr. Y


A Clinical Doctor's Explanation of Health Tech in Asia (Series#5)

The First Part: AI-Enabled Portable Arm Rehabilitation Robot, “H-MAN”

A Singapore-based start-up company, Articares, has developed a rehabilitation robot equipped with AI as a treatment device for the functional decline of the upper limbs following a stroke. The company's “H-MAN,” which performs rehabilitation through a gamified environment, will be explained by clinician writer, Doctor. Y.

Dr. Y


A Doctor of Medicine Explains Rehabilitation and Digital Technology (Part 2)

The second part: Expectations for “EsoGLOVE™” from the Field of Neurorehabilitation

"EsoGLOVE™ is a soft robotic exoskeleton technology for hand rehabilitation and assistance. The system helps patients relearn and recover hand motor functions via action observation therapy through a series of exercises. In the second part of this article, the functions of “EsoGLOVE™” will be explained.

Yohei Nanami, M.D.


A Doctor of Medicine Explains Rehabilitation and Digital Technology (Part 1)

The first part: Expectations for “EsoGLOVE™” from the Field of Neurorehabilitation

The Singapore-based startup Roceso Technologies has developed “EsoGLOVE™,” an Exoskeleton-type soft robotic glove designed to help restore hand mobility to stroke patients and other people with neurological disabilities. Yohei Nanami, M.D., who works at a rehabilitation hospital, will explain this rehabilitation system.

Yohei Nanami, M.D.


A Clinical Doctor's Explanation of Health Tech in Asia (Series#1)

The first part: "Whizz", an innovation in bronchial asthma inhalation therapy

The application of technology is advancing not only in Europe and the United States, but also in Asia. This is a new series of articles by clinical doctors introducing Asian ventures that are solving healthcare issues with technology. In the first article, doctor will introduce "Whizz" developed by Meracle, a start-up from Singapore.

Yuji Odaka M.D.

Digital Health
U.S. eHealth Journal

Vol. 92 (Issued at 2023/07/25)

ジャーナル92号のトピックは、Sky Labs (韓国発スマートリング)、DUOS (高齢者のSDoHアンメットニーズ)、Uber Health (OTC医薬品の配送)、Hyro (ChatGPT基盤のコールセンターサービス) など

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