(Global) Digital Health


A Clinical Doctor's Explanation of Health Tech in Asia (Series#6)

The Second Part: AI-Enabled Portable Arm Rehabilitation Robot, “H-MAN”

In the previous part, we introduced the AI-enabled portable arm rehabilitation robot “H-MAN” developed by the Singapore start-up Articares. In this part, we will take a closer look at "H-MAN" based on several research reports.

Dr. Y


A Clinical Doctor's Explanation of Health Tech in Asia (Series#5)

The First Part: AI-Enabled Portable Arm Rehabilitation Robot, “H-MAN”

A Singapore-based start-up company, Articares, has developed a rehabilitation robot equipped with AI as a treatment device for the functional decline of the upper limbs following a stroke. The company's “H-MAN,” which performs rehabilitation through a gamified environment, will be explained by clinician writer, Doctor. Y.

Dr. Y


A Clinical Doctor's Explanation of Health Tech in Asia (Series#4)

Aevice Health Develops Wearable Stethoscopes for Chronic Respiratory Disease Patients

Aevice Health, a MedTech startup from Singapore, develops the “AeviceMD” smart wearable stethoscope to monitor symptoms in patients with chronic respiratory diseases. Dr. Seto, a thoracic surgeon, will explain “AeviceMD,” which is currently awaiting FDA approval.

Kazunori Seto M.D.


A Clinical Doctor's Explanation of Health Tech in Asia (Series#3)

The second part: “Whizz”, an innovation in bronchial asthma inhalation therapy

This is the second part of the column on Meracle's "Whizz" spacer for improving asthma control, which we introduced in the first part of this series. Dr. Odaka, a cardiologist, will explain the solution from his perspective as an expert.

Yuji Odaka M.D.


A Clinical Doctor's Explanation of Health Tech in Asia (Series#2)

SELENA+, retinal imaging system to assist ophthalmologists in diagnosis

In the second article of this series, we will introduce “SELENA+,” an AI that assists in retinal disease screenings. This technology is developed by a Singaporean startup called EyRIS, which is developing AI deep learning systems in the healthcare industry. Dr. Otsuka, a clinician-writer, will explain the technology based on the information directly from EyRIS.

Maki Otsuka, M.D.


A Clinical Doctor's Explanation of Health Tech in Asia (Series#1)

The first part: "Whizz", an innovation in bronchial asthma inhalation therapy

The application of technology is advancing not only in Europe and the United States, but also in Asia. This is a new series of articles by clinical doctors introducing Asian ventures that are solving healthcare issues with technology. In the first article, doctor will introduce "Whizz" developed by Meracle, a start-up from Singapore.

Yuji Odaka M.D.





Digital Health
U.S. eHealth Journal

Vol. 92 (Issued at 2023/07/25)

ジャーナル92号のトピックは、Sky Labs (韓国発スマートリング)、DUOS (高齢者のSDoHアンメットニーズ)、Uber Health (OTC医薬品の配送)、Hyro (ChatGPT基盤のコールセンターサービス) など

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