
Technology of Japanese start-up featured by doctors (Series #10)

The first part: Antaa, aiming for boundaryless healthcare

Medical communication, Research, Japan, Clinical Doctor

Services evolved in the wake of Antaa Slide

Source: Antaa Inc.

We doctors learn a set of medical knowledge, pass the National Medical Examination, and then become doctors and provide medical care. However, not everyone knows everything just because they have become a doctor. After two years of initial training, they are engaged in medical treatment with their specialties. Since medicine is constantly advancing, at the same time, doctors need to not only learn existing therapy but also brush up their knowledge. It is necessary to belong to academic societies, present rare cases at conferences, write papers, and listen to lectures by experts in each department.

However, as a doctor, it is not uncommon for us to come home late on weekdays or work holidays. It's not easy to attend conferences, lectures, and study sessions in between. If there is a place where you can participate in various study sessions without going all the way to the site from far away, you would want to attend. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it challenging to hold lectures at venues, so web lectures have increased. We also need more opportunities to learn in different ways.

I learned about Antaa Inc., a company with a vision to "eliminate the boundaries of medicine," from a service I use to comprehend the updates. The service is "Antaa Slide", providing slide share service to connect knowledge. It's a place where doctors can share their presentations from conferences, research reports, and workshops, teach each other, and learn together.

(Continue to the next)

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A Series of Articles

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Digital Health
U.S. eHealth Journal

Vol. 92 (Issued at 2023/07/25)

ジャーナル92号のトピックは、Sky Labs (韓国発スマートリング)、DUOS (高齢者のSDoHアンメットニーズ)、Uber Health (OTC医薬品の配送)、Hyro (ChatGPT基盤のコールセンターサービス) など

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