

2022/10/12 のニュース

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📢 AMI株式会社 (https://ami.inc/)
研究開発型スタートアップのAMIが『心音図検査装置AMI-SSS01シリーズ』の薬事承認を取得 Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

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📢 株式会社プラスメディ (https://plus-medi-corp.com/)
順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院が患者用通院支援アプリ『MyHospital』導入プロジェクト開始 Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

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📢 株式会社MICIN (http://micin.jp/)
MICIN AI搭載の薬歴入力サポートシステム「Karin by MICIN」β版限定リリース開始
~薬剤師の負担軽減および服薬指導の質向上を実現~ Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 株式会社iMed Technologies (https://imed-tech.co.jp/)
「医用画像解析ソフトウェア Neuro-Vascular Assist ®」が脳血管内手術をディープラーニングで支援するソフトウェアとして薬事認可を取得
血管撮影画像を解析し、手術をサポートする情報を医師に提供 Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 楽天グループ株式会社
2023年以降、処方せん医薬品受取のネット予約やオンライン服薬指導サービスとの連携も予定 Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 株式会社MICIN (https://micin.jp/)🔔
アボットとMICIN、糖尿病の新たな治療環境構築に向けた協業を開始 Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 株式会社ネクイノ (https://nextinnovation-inc.co.jp/)🔔
オンライン・ピル処方サービス「スマルナ」がfermata主催「Femtech Fes! 2022」に出展Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 株式会社メドレー (https://www.medley.jp/)🔔
療養生活を送る患者と家族を⽀援する医療ソーシャルワーカーの業務負担を軽減し、医療介護領域でのDXを促進Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 株式会社MICIN (https://micin.jp/)🔔
MICIN AI搭載の薬歴入力サポートシステム「Karin by MICIN」β版限定リリース開始
~薬剤師の負担軽減および服薬指導の質向上を実現~Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 GOODAID株式会社 (https://good-aid.com/)🔔
零売薬局の『セルフケア薬局』が、新宿駅東口徒歩2分の「au Style SHINJUKU」内3階に出店!
アクセスの良い大都市圏の玄関口で、利用者が抱える体の不調や悩みに対して薬剤師が健康アドバイスNot displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 MyndVR (https://www.myndvr.com/)🔔
MyndVR Announces Strategic Partnership with OroiNot displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

(参考) DigitalTherapyNOW.org の開設についてNot displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 Welzo (https://welzo.com/)🔔
Frontline healthcare is now accessible to all, introducing WelzoNot displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 Wysa (https://www.wysa.io/)🔔
Wysa to Develop Hindi Version of World's Most Popular Mental Health AppNot displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.


📢 レポート
Central Nervous System Disorders Therapeutics Market Expected to Reach $159 Billion by 2028

中枢神経系疾患の治療市場は、2028年までCAGR(年平均成長率)が7.4%で、1590億ドルまで成長するものと予測されています。 Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 レポート🔔
Companion Diagnostics Global Market Report 2022: Widespread Adoption of AI Presents Opportunities Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 レポート🔔
Conversational AI Market to Garner USD 37.94 Billion with Growing CAGR of 24.04 % by 2029, Share, Size, Growth, Key Players, and Trends forecast Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 レポート🔔
Global Electronic Medical Records Market Report (2022 to 2030) - Featuring GE Healthcare, Epic Systems, McKesson and Cerner Among Others Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 レポート🔔
Outlook on the Machine Learning in Life Sciences Global Market to 2027 - Featuring Alteryx, Anaconda, Canon Medical Systems and Imagen Technologies Among Others Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 レポート🔔
Massage Chair Market Will Receive Overwhelming Compound Annual Growth Rate 9.10% by the year 2029, Size, Share, Industry Trends, and Global Value Forecast Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 レポート 🔔
Virtual Care Provider MyTelemedicine Ranked for Second Consecutive Year in J.D. Power 2022 U.S. Telehealth Satisfaction Study Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

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📢 株式会社xCura
国内最大級の医療メタバース "Mediverse City" への展示のお知らせ

Mediverse City内でVRによるペインコントロールの事例などをご紹介しております。 Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 MIG株式会社

〜VRゴーグルによる高島式アルツハイマー病超早期スクリーニング検査〜 Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 アクティブ株式会社

2022年10月25日14:00〜どなたでも参加可能。ロボットリハビリで日常生活範囲を広げて、要介護・フレイル予防へ Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

📢 株式会社PetVoice
 Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.

Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer. Not displayed properly, along with End Of Support Lifecycle of Internet Explorer.


2022/10/17 「株式会社MICIN、株式会社ネクイノ、株式会社メドレー、株式会社MICIN、GOODAID株式会社、MyndVR 、Welzo、Wysa」を追加
2022/10/17 「レポート」を追加




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